Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So Blessed

Under the blog title, I have quoted President Henry B Eyring from a conference talk he gave a year ago. I loved this talk, and it really touched me. I felt impressed that the habit of writing down daily the witness of the Lord's hand in my life was something I should start. And now, a year later, after I just listened to conference again, I have started this blog as an effort to do so.

I have also wanted to see how I'm growing and changing and to see what I am learning from my life's experiences. The past few months have been overwhelming--not necessarily in a bad way though. I've been able to take the boys into my home and try to love them and teach them --and the situation is such that Lia can finally get some help for her mental illness. I've prayed for this for years. There were seriously very few days that went by over the last three years in which I didn't fervently beg the Lord to create a situation in which she could get some help. And He did. I really couldn't ask for a greater miracle. It's a real-life miracle!!! It's easy to forget that on hard stressful days. I have to remember that the Lord's time is different than ours. Two months to Him is like a blink of an eye, and for me, it seems like an eternity. Especially knowing how much longer it will still be. But that's why I titled this blog "remember, remember...." It's so easy to forget. To forget where we came from, why we're really here; it's easy to forget about our Savior even though we PROMISE every single week that we will remember Him always! And it's easy to forget the wonderful experiences and blessings we experience every day.

In fact, we can't remember unless we recognize them in the first place. And so if we are looking, we will see. I will see the hand of the Lord in my life every single day. And I hope that by my recording such recognition, that my sweet children will be able to see it as well.